Challenges and Implications of Online Education in Higher Education Institutions in Addis Ababa during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown- from the Perspectives of Teachers


  • Girma Zewditu



Online teaching, advising and assessment, Post graduate Program, Higher Educational Institution, COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown


This study investigated the challenges that higher education (HEI) teachers faced during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and their implications on the quality of online teaching, advising, and assessment processes, and competency of graduates. The study found that the most dominant modes of instruction were teachers sending reading materials and written communications through the Google Classroom platform followed by online in real-time with video conferencing. The most challenging factors found were weak internet connection, difficulty in having a definitive measure of students' performance, online security and privacy, and students' digital incompetence in meeting deadlines for submission of examinations and assignments. The study also found that internet strength and online security and privacy had a significant effect on the quality of online teaching, advising, and assessment procedures. The study finally suggested that HEIs in advancing a blended mode of delivery and assessment, as a regular mode of instruction, would adopt supportive applications and computerized adaptive testing for effective course delivery and interaction with students. The study's findings are important because they provide insights into the challenges that HEI teachers faced during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and their implications on the quality of online teaching, advising, and assessment processes, and competency of graduates. The study's findings can be used to inform the development of policies and strategies to address these challenges and improve the quality of online education.

