This paper _examines the morphological, physical,
chemical and biochemical characteristics of soils and maps the soil units
of Werkaryia area, Kutaber wereda, south Welo. Moreover it examines
the potential and constraints of soils for crop cultivation. The
characteristics of soils were determined based on field survey and
laboratory analysis. The classification of soil was based on the
FAOjUNE.SCO Revised Legend (1990). Eutric Vertisol, Haplic Phaeozem,
Luvic Phaeozems, Mollic Gleysols, Mollic Fluvisols and Mollic, Lithic,
and Eutric Leptosols are the major soil units identified in the area.
Vertisols occur on the gently to strongly sloping alluvial toeslope and
footslope. They are marked by high clay content, cracks, slickensides
and gilgai topographic features. Cambic Band argic B of the Haplic
Phaeozems and Luvic Phaeozems underlain the Mollic A of Phaeozems,
respectively. Mollie Gleysols developed on alluvium deposition while
Mollie Fluvisols on stratified deposition of the toeslope. Both Fluvisols
and Gleysols are marked by gleyic and stagnic conditions. On the other
hand, Leptosols are formed over the residuals of the trachyte of the
upper slopes. They are characterized by shallow soil depth, below 30
cm. As a result of the parent materials, the soils of Werkaryia in general
are characterised by high nutrient status and retention capacities. The
pH of the soils is also favourable for crop cultivation. However, crop
cultivation in the area is limited by low organic matter and total
nitrogen of Vertisols and Phaeozems, by the poor drainage of Vertisols,
the shallow depth and the high erosion rate in Leptosol'l, the high water
table of Ftuvisols and Gleysols, and the imbalance of nutrients and
deficiency of some of the nutrients in almost all of the soils.