Mother Tongue Education in The Awi Zone From 1996 to 2011:Prospects and Challenges


  • Abebe fantahun Lecturer at the department of history and heritage management, University of Gonder


mother tongue educaiton, Awni, language polciy, Amharic, federalism, Awi Administrative Zone


The 1991 political upheval and the subsequent Educaiton and Training Policy of Ethiopia published in 1994 laid the legal ground for the implementation of Awni in the primary schools of Awi Administrative zone for the first time in history.This study sheds light on the main vicissitudes of the programme for mother toungue educaiton implemented in Awi Admnistrative Zone. The study is based on an extensive survey of archival sources available in the area as well as interviews made with people around the study area.The findings indicate that implemtation of a programme for mother tongue education in Awi faced several challneges, from scarcity of resources and well-trained staff to sceptiscism or refusal to join the programme by large groups of Awi speakers. 

