Child nutrition in Ethiopia: A Review Article


  • Ferew Lemma Ethiopia's Progress Towards Eradicating Poverty
  • Joan Matji An Interim Report on Poverty Analysis Study


Ethiopia has recorded remarkable development gains over the past two decades. Child deaths were cut
by 67 per cent from 204 per 1000 live births in 1990 to 68 per 1000(1) live births in 2012 achieving
MDG 4 on child survival, three years ahead of time; the number of children in school trebled from as
low as 32 per cent in 1990s to 96.4 per cent (2); people with access to clean water more than doubled,
with improved access to safe water for 54 per cent (3) of the population. In addition, the country has
seen the proportion of people living below the poverty line decline from 44 per cent in 1995 to 30 per
cent in 2011(4).




