Pattern of childhood malignancies in a University referral Hospital in Addis Ababa


  • Yared Tadesse


A retrospective analysis of 77 patients below the age of 15 years with childhood malignancyadmitted to the pediatric wards of Tikur Anbessa Hospital (TAH) in Addis Ababa during a 2 year period from January 2005 up to December 2006 is presented. Malignancies accounted for 3.1% of all admissions during this period. There were 55 (71.8%) males and 22(28.2%) females, with ages ranging from 3 months up to 12 years; 35 (44.9%) patients were in the age group 0-5years. The commonest malignancy was Wilm’s tumor, which contributed for 19(24.7%) of cases.

Fever, weight loss, abdominal mass, pallor, lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly were the leading clinical presentations of patients with malignancy. Over two-third of the patients were 53 (68.8%) presented in advanced stage of the disease. Diagnosis was confirmed by Hematology and /or histopathology tests. Patients who were presented with intracranial space occupying lesion without Computerized tomography (CT) were excluded from the analysis.





