Women's participation in political leadership and decision-making in Ethiopia: A research note


  • Berouk Mesfin


In many parts of the world, women are either excluded or marginalized from higher level political arrangments. Indeed, the proportion of men elected and appointed as political leaders and decision makers compared to women in the same position is highly skewed, with men overwelmingly dominating the political field across the board. Prior research suggests that the situation in Ethiopia is not different, with women undoubtdly underrepresented with in different political organizations and institutions. This reasearch note, based mainly on avialable and relevant books, articles, research papers and other documentary materials, is designed to provide information on the participation of women in Ethiopian politics and government- an issue which has become lately a subject of intense interst among social scientists. The note begins by examining the participation of women in political leadership and decision-making in the world generally and in Africa particularly. It then survey critically the actual participation of women at the top level of Ethiopia's political parties and government institutions, followed by a discussion of ostacles to such participation. Finally, it puts forward a conclusion followed by a set of recommendations that will help in the elaboration of measures to overcome existing obstacles and to increase womesn's participation.




How to Cite

Mesfin , B. . (2023). Women’s participation in political leadership and decision-making in Ethiopia: A research note . Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(2), 81–99. Retrieved from http://ejol.aau.edu.et/index.php/EJOSSAH/article/view/5805


