From Illusive to all-Inclusive: How Pathfinder International amplified learning by doing scientific writing training


  • Bekele Belayihun
  • Mengistu Asnake
  • Gizachew Tessema
  • Yordanos Molla


Knowledge and practices of scientific writing are no longer limited to academic environments (1). Developments in the use of evidence-based program implementation involve rigorous evidence generation, with clear and effective communication of whether an intervention or practice is proven to have achieved high impact (2). Operational and implementation research has increasingly promoted research findings to better healthcare delivery and management while considering contextual factors (3,4). Most program implementors have limited scientific writing exposure. As a result, they miss opportunities to share experiences obtained from their program implementation due to limited scientific writing skills. While program implementors are not expected to "publish or perish," publication in scientific journals remains one of the best markers of scientific achievement. Many people in scientific professionals are not trained with soft writing skills, and the peer-review process focuses more on veracity of data than its legibility or accessibility. Nevertheless, scientific information not communicated or published often fails to garner the attention it deserves.


