
  • Asfaw Desta


The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development has come a long way since its first appearance in 1984. With the support that it has enjoyed from many institutions, groups and individuals, it is growing in strength and reputation. Its objective of promoting the primary health care approach is being fulfilled. In the words of a former Minister of Health of Ethiopia "the Journal is one of the few that has managed to reach the health professionals ...at the periphery where it is most needed." We expressed "our hope that our Journal will enjoy the full support of, and close association with, the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA)" for which it has now come to be the "official organ". Addis Ababa University (AAU) has also included the Journal in its list of "reputable journals". By a memorandum of understanding recently signed between the EPHA and AAU, our Journal is promised continued support as a joint publication of the two institutions. All these are encouraging developments of which all members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Consultants are proud, and for which we are grateful to all sponsoring organizations, authors of articles, reviewers and subscribers for their contributions to help
us reach this stage. We are hopeful that all this will continue with the help of everyone who has been with us and with those who will join in the future.





