Quality of family planning services at the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE) Clinic The clients’ perspective


  • Antenane Korra



The study was carried out to describe some aspects of the quality of family planning services of the FGAE headquarters clinic as perceived by the clients and measure the clients waiting time. A total of 400 clients were systematically selected and interviewed. Results of the study indicated that good ranges of contraceptive method-mix are made available in the clinic and clients calimed to be well informed about the methods, including their possible side effects and contraindications as well as how the methods work. Nearly all interviewed clients claimed that they had enough time to discuss about problems and were cordially treated by service providers. The average length of a visit to the clinic was estimated to be an hour and 33 minutes and clients had to spend 55 minutes in the waiting room. Further, 89% of the clients expressed their satisfaction with the overall services of the clinic and the majority stated that they would recommend and encourage others to get family planning services from the clinic. In conclusion, the quality of care in the clinic is found to be good from the clients perspective and no major constraints were identified. It is recommended that the family planning IEC program of the clinic should be improved, i.e, clients have to get information about the available methods with equal vigor. A mechanism has also to be established to follow up defaulters. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1997;11(3):207-212]





