Community-based Family Planning services: A performance assessment of the Jimma FP CBD project


  • Antenane Korra



Community Based Distribution (CBD) programs reach beyond the clinic walls to provide contraceptives in the communities where people live. The ultimate goal of CBD programs is to improve the accessibility of contraceptive services and supplies. In view of this, the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE) has recently intiated CBD programs in some rural areas. The aim of this study is to assess the overall performance of the Jimma CBD project with respect to achieving the set objectives and measure the changes that have occurred in the levels of knowledge and use of family planning methods among the eligible couples. Results of the study showed, that the knowledge of women about contraception appeared to be higher (76.9%) than the proportion reported in the baseline survey (36.9%). Comparing the contraceptive prevalence rate of 1.3% reported in the baseline survey, the rate reported in this study is found to be substantial (15.9%). Generally, the project achievement enlisted in the period of 21 months of operation was found to be impressive. Thus, replication of the program in other rural areas should be sought. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1997;11(1):17-22]





