Haematological and micronutrient values in volunteer subjects in Addis Abeba


  • Yesehak Worku
  • Milkias Shamebo
  • Olof Wisen
  • Gonfa Ayana


Abstract: This haematological and micronutrient study was based on 675 residents of Addis Abeba. Twenty three volunteers (3.4%) were excluded from the main study for the following reasons: BP>140/90mm of mercury, inflammatory conditions, infections or systemic illnesses. Out of the remaining 652 volunteers, stool examination led to exclusion of 207 individuals (31.7%) that were harbouring one or more types of parasite. According to ‘reference value’ suggested in this paper 50% of parasite infected volunteers were anaemic. Haematological data from 386 clinically ‘normal’ subjects and micronutrient data from 50 samples selected by stratified sampling from 386 samples were used to calculate ‘reference values’. Comparison of our results with that of Peters (15) indicates that both haematological results are similar (p-value = 0.000). Since haematological data based on 50 samples are similar to those of a larger set of samples (n=386), values of folic acid and vitamin B12 obtained for the former may apply to the latter. In conclusion, results shown in Table 1 can be used as Addis Abeba ‘reference value’. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1998;12(3):217-223]





