Survey of occupational safety and sanitary conditions in small scale enterprises in Jimma Southwestern Ethiopia


  • Kebede Faris



A total of 37 randomly selected Small Scale Enterprises (SSE) found in Jimma town were surveyed. The objectives of the study were to identify the possible safety and health hazards, sanitary conditions, and health promotion and accident prevention aspects of SSEs. The result showed that 70.8% of the enterprises are located in residential and commercial areas; 45.9% of the buildings are defective; and 21.6% are temporary-looking shades having only corrugated iron roofs supported by wooden poles but no walls on three sides. The SSEs surveyed are found to be sources of problems to health and safety for people who work in them. Noise levels greater than 95 dB among workers in wood works (43%), and metal works (57%); chemicals and toxic hazards in garages, wood work, and soap factory; dust in flour mills, coffee mills, and wood works were noted to be indicators of unhealthy work environment. Although 78.4% of the SSE have risk of fire, only 16.2% have provision for fire protection. Accidents and injuries are not registered. Workers have no health services or safety education and protective devices are inadequate. The work places (70.8%) are unsanitary. Based on the study, recommendations are made. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1998;12(3):183-190]





