Sanitary conditions of food establishments in Mekelle town, Tigray, north Ethiopia


  • Kinfe Zeru
  • Abera Kumie


Background: Foodborne diseases are commonly found in developing countries like Ethiopia because of the prevailing
poor food handling and sanitation practices. Food prepared in large quantities is liable to contamination and to the rise
of foodborne diseases if the strictest principles of hygiene are not maintained.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the sanitary conditions of food establishments in Mekelle town,
Tigray region, North Ethiopia.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2004 to January 2005. Four hundred and twenty
establishments were enrolled through a simple random selection technique after a list of all food establishments was
obtained through a census. Trained enumerators used standard and structured pre-tested questionnaires to collect data.
Bacteriological tests were conducted on food utensils using standard laboratory procedures. Data entry, cleaning, and
analysis were performed using Epi Info Version 6.04d.
Results: This study found that latrines, hand washing basins, proper types of solid waste receptacles, and privately
owned tap water were available in 96.9%, 57.1%, 39.2% and 93.6% of the food establishments, respectively. Proper
dish washing and food storage practices were observed in 46%, and 52% of the establishments, respectively. Poor
practices in personal hygiene among food handlers were commonly observed. Of all bacteriologically tested food
utensils, 44.3% were found with aerobic mesophilic bacteria above the accepted level (> 100 colonies per plate) and
45.5% were grossly contaminated (>50 fecal coliform per 100ml). Staphylococcus aurous and Escherichia coli were
also isolated.
Conclusion and Recommendation: Overall findings of this study indicate the high likelihood of food contamination
in food establishments in Mekelle. The study recommends that regulatory activities should be strengthened to ensure
basic food sanitation practices in public food vending establishments in this town. [Ethiop.J.Health Dev.





